Sunday, August 26, 2012

Don't Give up and Abort Your Mission!

Praise God,

Truly he is worthy of all our praises.  Today is the day that God has made, and I shall rejoice and be glad with it.

I want to share a message that I received from Bishop Noel Jones of the City of Refuge Live Broadcast on  Please, purchase the message; you will be blessed by it.

His text was from Hebrews 2:16.  I titled it Dont' Give up and Abort Your Mission.  Bishop Jones and the COR blessed my soul this morning, and I wanted to share with you how simple it is to forget all of your attributes and accolades you have given to society and the household of faith.  Let us reflect. 

Remember, when you were called by God, and he told you to travel to the homes of others, and help those  that were in need, but; he made the provision as you went forth by faith.  Well, this is a "moment to endure" and hold on and become more than a conquer, stated by a visiting minister, Pastor Powell, Raleigh, NC. (Praise God before and during the battle).  You feel like giving up, but I encourage you to praise God as you have never praised him before.  Praise him in the battle, and through the battle. You are a conqueror through Christ Jesus that strengthens you. You have blessed so many people out of your little, and God has blessed you to be able to bless others with a continual flow of his anointing.  They have taken so much from you, because they thought you would run out. but God has a Double for your trouble blessing on hand for you, this day.  Hold on, don't give up, and don't give in. God is working it out for you.

Abigail Received Her Husband (I. Samuel 25)

Don't worry, God has what you need. David needed Abigail to step in his life at a precise moment in time, before he committed blood shed on innocent people. His actions would have caused him to abort his mission.  This smart an anointed woman stepped into his life, and prophesied to him of the things of his future, and how detrimental his mission was to the people of God (I. Samuel 25:30). She was the woman that helped to save a village of people, because she knew God, and she was the mediator between David and her husband, Nabal. She reminded David that he had too much to loose and much more to gain in the press of his mission.  Had David chose not to be generous to Nabal's men in the Spirit that gives. Abigail would not have had a husband. God has a link to your mission, Don't Give up, and Abort it Now!

There are four elements in giving:  Obedience to God, have a heart and spirit for the call, or mission, and the importance of the receivers to follow through with the request that is made by the giver. One must remember the purpose you gave in the first place.

For instant, (1 Samuel 25:7-8) David asked for assistance with the necessities for his men, after he and his men watched over his neighbor's shepherds; while, they were sheared sheep.  He told his men to make sure nothing happened to his neighbor's shepherds.  He asked his neighbor (a man with property and wealth) to be favorable toward him and his young men, since, he was having a party at that precise time.

Like Minded People Operate on the Same Level of Understanding

Abigail told David what he needed to do in order to keep him from aborting his mission, and she made a simple request... "And when the Lord has brought my master success, remember your servant", and she praised the Lord in front of her blessing, because she knew that God had sent a man of God on that very day to meet her.  David confirmed it and said, may you be blessed for your good judgement and for keeping me from bloodshed this day and avenging myself from my own hands. (I. Sam. 25:33-35) states that David accepted from her hand (note, one else would have convinced him at that moment) what she had bought him.  He blessed and granted her request not to kill every male in her camp.  It is sad when we refuse to help our neighbors, not realizing the act of giving to the needy especially those in the household of faith, or just seizing the opportunity to give; will very well save your own life, or members of your own family. Gal. 6:10 and James 4:17.

Don't Abort Your Mission: There is a Blessing For You

Think about why you have obeyed God, and how God has always supplied your needs. How the takers have taken, but you still have more stuff to keep giving. How said it would be to loose what God has invested in you, and how he plans to establish you to the next level.  Abigail went through after that, but it was for a short time.  Her rich husband had wealth and refused to give the necessities to the chosen man of God and to his men that helped his shepherd's to stay safe. The statement, "no good deed goes unpunished" comes to my mind in this message.  (I. Sam. 25:36-44) Abigail's husband died due to the hardening of his own heart and the disrespect for human kind. God slayed him for being evil toward his servants, David and Abigail. Two like minded people chose good over evil and they triumph in victory.  The bible does not say, how long it took for Nabal's funeral, but it states,  "David heard about Nabal's death, and he praised God for upholding his cause against this rich man for treating him with contempt".  He sent for Abigail and her hand maiden-- made both of them his wives. (A two for one deal), or a double for your troubles type of blessing.

God Knows Your Every Need

God is not blind, hard of hearing, nor dumb when it comes to his servants, and the body of Christ.  He will fulfill us in our darkest, yet, deepest hours of perplexity in the testing of our faith.  He is not slack concerning his promises to us, and when we are tempted; we have a mediator/intercessor (Jesus Christ) who sits at the right hand of God, and give an accurate report on our quarterly and annual giving to the Lord's appointed missions.  He appoints a time of origin and destination as in David and Abigail's purpose to meet, and he did the same for Joseph and the prison to palace experience.  He used you to set a standard for the people of God, because they could not figure out how are you so blessed.  The people felt, if thy stopped you from giving, then they would stop you from receiving your ultimate blessings.  They figured if they could keep you unemployed; they could stop your ministering to the needy. They thought this was the key to your success.

Bishop Noel Jones stated into day's message. " Never let anyone disqualify you for what you have been through".  You have already received your degrees in the "Neighbor I'm qualified to help you ministries". We have to do like Abigail, and become more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus that strengthens us, and praise God through it all. Hallelujah!!!

1 comment:

  1. The scripture tells us to rejoice with those who rejoice and comfort those who needs comforting, because we are ordained to do good works.

    I pray for you that are having a hard time figuring out if this is for, or against you. I pray that the word of God will become Rhema in your spirit and catapult you into your destinies to be more than conquers, and become doers of his holy word. God bless each of you.
