by Sis Mouthpiece
July 25, 2013
This blog is not used for resale, but for informative purposes only, and I do not claim any infringements on thes reports
Inter-generational Mobility and How it is Measured
This report examines the relationship between an individual's socioeconomic status and the status of his/her parents? Look it up, and see how your matrix is used to promote your economic conditions, or demote your economic conditions based on your demographics.
“For a family in the U.S., the children would earn $4,700 less; in the U.K., the children would earn $5,000 less. This is nearly two and a half times that of Canada. While Americans would like to think of their country as one where everyone has a relatively equal chance of success. The actual fact is that the U.S. has less equality of opportunity than most of its peers as per (Miles Corak) as he explains the condition of the disconnect between the way Americans see themselves and the way the economy and society actually functions. Many Americans may hold the belief that hard work is what it takes to get ahead, but in the facts, the playing field is a good deal stickier than its appearances. Family background, not just Family background, not just individual effort and hard work, is importantly related to one’s position in the economic and social hierarchy. This disconnect is brought into particular relief by placing the United States in an international context. In fact, children are much more likely as adults to end up in the same place on the income and status ladder as their parents in the United States than in most other countries”.
How Intergenerational Mobility is Measured by Miles Corak
“Inter-generational income mobility is measured by calculating the elasticity of intergenerational earnings. A higher elasticity number implies that it is more difficult for a person to move outside the income class he or she was born into.
Take, for example, a country with an inter-generational earnings elasticity of 0.20. This means that if an individual in that country earns $10,000 less income than the average, 20 per cent of that difference or ($2,000) will be passed on to the individual’s children. In other words, the children will earn $2,000 less than the average”.
There is a Disconnect Between the Way Americans See Themselves
There is a disconnect between the way Americans see themselves and the way the economy and society actually function. Many Americans may hold the belief that hard work is what it takes to get ahead, but in actual fact the playing field is a good deal stickier than it appears. Family background, not just individual effort and hard work, is importantly related to one’s position in the economic and social hierarchy. This disconnect is brought into particular relief by placing the United States in an international context. In fact, children are much more likely as adults to end up in the same place on the income and status ladder as their parents in the United States than in most other countries.
Social Economic Trends are Systemic
Social economic trends are systemic, and are used in many cases to cause inequalities without the opportunity to earn general or college education, provision for health services, and the opportunity to a better a living and life style through an equal opportunity to earn salaries that will provide the needs for families, and their well being. Certain states are profiled by governmental authorities to bring about a proportionately disadvantage within a people of a particular community that will continue to be recycled through a system. For instant, the unemployment benefits systems were redesigned in the (2006-2011) years to extend benefits for a ninety-nine week term.
During This Period of Recession, Many People Were Laid Off
During this period of recession, many people were laid off and released from their jobs at a time that was crucial to their survival, and usually in the Fall of the year, when job availability is slim to none. The employee may have been in the middle class bracket of $30-35,000 for many years. They may have received a base rate of $325-400 per week, and had a $10,000 per each quarter within their WBA. What we did not know, was in order to get the extended benefits, we had to sign a document (EB 301) you will be asked to look for work, and you are required to accept a job of a lesser pay scale 7.25 or your weekly EBT benefit amount. It was changed to 7.25 from $15.00 per hour. You cannot refuse such a job, if it were offered to you. Many people had skills, but were denied the financial opportunity to develop and complete the higher-level of fields for training they were in at that time.
Income Brackets Represent Status/Class
For instant, if you live in one of these red areas, and it offers green jobs, you will be trained in college for the course. If you already hold an associate degree in business and management communication’s field, the same grant $5,600 cannot be used to complete the bachelor’s degree in the field of trade that requires you to have a higher level of educational credentials in order to qualify for the many positions available within that field. In some cases, one could have qualified with a certificate in one class with an option of completing the bachelor’s within a certain time-line after being hired, but you had to go to the class out of pocket, especially; if you had the training and was working in the field already. The system would not provide funds for that.
The systemic trends will make changes based on how many people are within the Associate degree educational levels, and this change will keep you from qualifying for the new upgraded version of the same recycled positions that you have been performing all along. In some cases, they changed the job title, and hired someone fresh out of college with a bachelor's degree within that trend period. They filled their quota of college graduates for the trend period. In the mean- time, the qualified workers are stuck in a situation with the desire to enhance their skills without the finances to do it. The process of social stratification is embedded in our society to cause inequalities of institutionalized promotions to maintain circumstances that support a cycle of poverty.
Not all is lost, but you will spend a lot of time in this cycle, until you figure out how the cycle works, and use your greatest efforts in unraveling your future through divine purpose.
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