Tuesday, July 16, 2013

THE reason why some Black Men Won't Date Or Marry Black Women


Keep them scared, unlearned, and pregnant, divided, then concur them, and they will be eating out of your hand.

by Sis. Mouthpiece

Wake up America!


Ro. 6:16-23;  Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves SERVANTS to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obeyed from the HEART that form of doctrine which was delivered you. Ro. 6:6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. [Col. 2:12-23; II Cor. 10:4-6; II Cor. 5-15 (8, 12, 13)].   

This is a reality check, and the Men in Black (Will Smith) are not coming out to save you.  You have lost your autonomy, controlled by 20% of the wealthiest people of this country who own 84% of the nation's net worth, and they do not give back any charity to your schools, the medical facilities for the disadvantaged, who need medical help. Nor are they establishing employment triage for displaced workers who cannot afford schooling, can up-grade their skills. That is why they keep fighting against Obama care, an equal medical coverage for all people. It will work with a working economy.  That is why they have not permitted certain monies to be relaesed in the major three areas. Their plan, to get him out of office, and use a portion of his plan to accomplish only the part that will line their pockets with money, while they take from you and me. 

That is why you are constantly distracted by entertainment, and other sources to keep your mind off the actual tricks of politics and trade, camouflage with the flicker of a false sign that leads to making money is just as easy as they do it.  By the way, that is a system too (Capitalist class) they make $500,000 and above.
You are signed onto a mortgage by a bank system that took your money, and foreclosed on your house, or will foreclose.  They said they were too big to fail. They had all the monies from different systems within their fingertips.  You can no longer afford to pay, because you cannot find feasible working arrangements that will cover your education, skills and abilities.  You take a lower wage job, and are “now” classified as the “working poor”, form the middle-middle class; you may need food stamps benefits, and other governmental assistance to survive in order to have a place to work that keeps you in a social stratus of being considered less skilled, therefore, you help to keep the poverty cycle replenished. 

These systems keep you in check, and accounted for, so that when you struggle to get out, you have  these other systems taxes, loans, medical, education, employment here to marginalize you into a particular class (Capitalist, upper middle, middle, working, working poor, and under ). No work means no finances, no future opportunities, and no way to fix your status without the means to do it. You give in, like the house Negro, doing whatever the system dictates, and become waxed cold, because you are now chattel, and not autonomous, you are angry, but whom can you fight?  You signed a paper for all those things, and it has destroyed your male hood/woman hood.  What is left for you?  How could this happen, you live in America?  You are a citizen, and you have rights.  You are not a foreigner, you paid your tithes, and you love your God, how could this happen?

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