Tuesday, August 20, 2013


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What do these words mean to you?  My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty of thee I sing. To the republic, for which is stands, one nation, under God with liberty and justice for all. There is hope in those words, but you have to want it more than you have been suggesting.   All offers to you are on the table, and you are at the ninth ending.  So you accept the same methodology of dealing with the country that you have called your home for years, or do you say I am an American, and thought they built this country without me include, they have to pay the people that they have willfully deceived.

I have watched our country for fifty plus years go through trimesters of diverse kinds, and I have come to the conclusion that it is easier to be hoodwinked than to offer mankind freedom.  It is obvious that the forces that “be” have realized the same Epiphany, as well.  Although we have been punked, it can be changed.

The History of Deception

Let me explain, although we live in a country that is supposed to be a democracy, but is actually a dictatorship with underlined secret societies of all branches, we are still of great value to this country that we wanted to become. The key is not to look at what we used to do, or have, but instead look at what we actually own as we the people. What is that, you say. When you were my age you possibly watched approximately eight presidents who helped to keep the format of the in "God We Trust" live and well. What we did not know or understand was, while the public’s propaganda was received by our hearts as the right thing to do, it was never clear as to why one should suffer more than the other, as a means to make the other more powerful and more prestigious.  Therefore, we were given “make believe villains” who imposed threats against us and, if we did not kill them on the spot they would kill us.  We scurried around crying out as the town’s crier, the British are coming" and we fought because we thought that we were saving our country, and our reasoning to protect and defend our country, and families, while preserving the rights of others.  Although, during earlier fights in earlier times, the same dark societies were ruling and controlling the way things would run, and imposed great oppositions and  strongholds in the shaping of the world they wanted to create for themselves. 

The Secrecy the Purpose and the Two Trajectories

They have accomplished that by keeping the past a secret from many followers of the doctrine. Congratulations are in order; you have defeated the purpose of people’s democracy through monetarism and has risen profiteering of the libertarian capitalist movement to a very broad and new level.  The economic status and the mobility of our country has proven that we have been serving a god, of the Luciferian doctrines, quoted by Lantoine, 1776, while signing the new world order, “So much the better, I say. Possessing critical and inquisitive minds, we are the servants of satan. You, are the guardians of truth, are the servants of God. These men were full of self-aggrandizing, sub-servant to no one, and have not one intention to restore any of the money that they have taken from the country or the people in in it. 

For this reason, I feel that we should throw them a party, and have a parade.  The parade should consist of fruit of their labor and show our economic decline with vehicles and homes with repo signs, and debt loans of students and parents with marching signs saying educate your schools, not our children.  Our foreign aid floats will haves mothers of the 72 developing countries holding signs with pictures of their babies who are paralyzed some $47,500 with the overdose of the polio vaccine, that has killed 3,125, and their parents are forced to give them the same vaccine, that cost triple times the regular.  World Health Organization passed a law requiring the mothers to permit their children to receive the shot.  Their signs should reflect the mothers deepest regret s by saying, “Please do not kill any more of our babies in exchange for foreign aid”. The drug is possibly too strong for a one dose, and should be converted, and leave out the Hepatitis B and H with the Influenza –b along with the Diphtheria, and pertussis and tetanus with in to make it a five and one vaccine.  I do not know about you, but I know that if you are taking a flu virus with a HIV virus, it should have an adverse effect on the individual immune system.  A medicine that will kill a whole tribe of people, if we are not cognizant of its side-affects, as they can cause fevers, crying jags, and before the babies die.

This is happening to some mother in her own plight of realty, while we were looking at the commercials, and not paying attention to the news and the educational documentaries.  They were barred from mainstream media, as a distraction and we were blind-sided by a show like the bachelorette/bachelor, or some great reality show that requires all of our undivided attention in order that it lulls us to sleep, and we do not realize the world is on fire.
Let us think of this as a relationship that has gone bad and it needs reviving, or else we are going to lose everything we have hoped in and dreamed about.  The key to any relationship is to admit that there is a problem, and write it down for discussion. Set up a time convenient to all parties involved and meet. The only problem in this relationship is that there is some mongering going on, and no matter how hard you try to fix this marriage, you will eventually realize you will have to divorce and start anew. Our effort should focus more on what

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